Sunday, March 25, 2012

Its all about the chakras....

The word “chakra” originates from the Sanskrit word for wheel or spinning. They represent “force centers” or “energy centers” in which energies are exchanged between the body and the outside world. Everything we feel both positive and negative are contained within our energy field whether you are aware of it or not. To be in balance and aligned one must awaken and cleanse each of the seven chakras.
One fine afternoon I went about looking for something to feed the upset voice in my tummy. After arriving at Whole Foods and grabbing a fresh blended juice I craved more. I wanted something to feed my soul before I headed back to my busy day.
This inspired the Energy Bar Collection – a series of necklaces to feed the soul and the eyes as it sparkles from day to night!  Each necklace focuses on awakening and/or cleansing one or more of the chakras.

Strong Core Energy Bar Necklace
Heart Chakra Energy Bar Necklace
The Seven Sacred Chakra’s Energy Bar Necklace

Get your energy bar online or contact us for possible custom orders at or fan us!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Letting Go...

Its been quite a while since I have posted anything but I have been away. Not on a trip or physical distraction; but rather away from my own lifes path. During the past quarter of this 30th year in my life some changes to my environment have thrown me into a whirlpool of energies, events, and interactions leaving me dizzy with questions and without a compass. Its as if I have been wandering in circles trying to get back on track and the daily stresses and mini dramas with different spirits and perceptions fogged up my glasses and everything is a blur.

The environmental change has stirred up emotions, memories, and karmatic fears that would have only surfaced due to this change. As one who needs to force herself to simply tip toe around ANY change, I jumped in and chose this  time to take a side road hoping that it was a shortcut to my destination. Although it did not take me closer to the line, it did take me to another part of life I never knew possible. Learning to let go has been my life's challenge and it is at this moment in this place of peace that I realized the art of letting go. 

The more I begin to let go, the closer my Self begins to surface filling the newly open space with energies of love, laughter, and a stillness I have never before experienced.